Market Insights & Research

Industry insights for Investors, Vendors, HR Leaders & Events

When done correctly, research surveys, focus groups, and feedback sessions provide you with strategic insights, competitive intelligence, thought leadership, sound bites for PR, product strategies, and clear direction for your team. 

When it isn’t, you may get data but without the value of insight.

Our approach is crafted around providing a true voice to the customer, our 25+ year industry expertise and expertly blending in primary and secondary research – ours, yours, and consumer research trends – with a deep understanding of the market and the goal of providing a real understanding and actionable insights people can use. 

Custom Research Options

We work with teams to bring the voice of the customer and employee into their product, sales, and growth strategy.

  • Qualitative Research

    • Customer Interviews
    • Focus Groups
    • Persona/ICP Defining
    • Product/UX Feedback
  • Quantitative Research

    • Custom Survey
    • Survey Planning
    • Survey Execution
    • Secondary Research
  • Internal Research

    • Executive Sessions
    • Competitive Alignment
    • Department Alignment
    • Product Innovation

Insights at Work Research

CMO, CRO & CPO's have partnered to design our flagship research to answer the questions you need to drive strategic change - include the benchmarking for answers direct to your customers and prospects. 

  • Company Trends

    • Top Company Concerns
    • Employee Expectations & Concerns
    • Goals & Challenges for using HR tech
  • Buyer Insights

    • Content and events they are looking for
    • What makes them decide to sign the contract with you
    • Biggest Frustrations w/ the Sales Process
  • Market Shifts

    • Market movement (First time buy & Replacements)
    • Buyer Uncertainty Ratings
    • Buyers Disinterest or Confusion - areas with high need for education content

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